Embracing 16 Years of Musical Magic at North Gate Jazz Co-op!

north gate

North Gate Jazz Co-op is celebrating its 16th anniversary on Saturday, August 26th. And what a journey it has been!

From the co-op’s early days to the present, it’s amazing to see how far they have come. Amidst countless challenges and setbacks, the North Gate Jazz Co-op has become a place that is defined as the realm of music that bridges differences.

For the North Gate team and extended community, music is more than just an art form; it’s a faithful companion that stands by them through every crisis, every weary day, and the loneliest of moments. Music embodies a warm smile and is an unwavering guide.

On this 16th anniversary, the co-op extends a heartfelt invitation to all friends of music to reunite and reminisce about the tales of friendship told over the years. Head over and celebrate the shared experiences of a journey that has delved into the very heart of global music. It’s music that propels us beyond boundaries, mirroring the essence of togetherness.

Head to North Gate Jazz Co-op on Saturday, August 26th, at the North Gate Jazz Co-op for the 16 Years Anniversary celebration. This will be lit!

And, as a special treat, Phantawat Nawig and TheAter team have united to birth a brand new Jazz Big Band for the city — a dream realized!

The music lineup features Mai’s Blues Brother, The ‘A’ ter Big Band, Suthep Band, Fusion Mania, Super Rich, and Nong Pal. So, come and be part of the community togetherness and harmony in unity. You can find more information on their FB page here.

#NorthGateJazz16thAnniversary #CommunityTogetherness #HarmonyInUnity